Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3: 1/3/11

Today was my first day back at work! (oh boy!)  I got up early (0530) and made my smoothie.  Turned out just as good as last time! Ada enjoyed hers early as well since Lowell had to drive me to work.  I also took with me some of my home-made granola w/ fresh blue berries as my midday snack.  Both proved very satisfying during the day.  I felt like my energy level wasn't 100% as I am still feeling the e/affects of my cold.  However, on my return home, I immediately went for a 20 minute bike ride with Ada in her new carriage and I really think that helped keep me going this evening!

 My smoothie!
 Ada's smoothie and gluten-free blue berry waffle!
 still waking up!!
Enjoying green smoothie and some baby einstein while mommy gets ready! (and tries to wake daddy!)

This afternoon I came home and began cooking jerk chicken with garlic red potatoes and a salad!  Ada enjoyed some of my granola while watching me prepare dinner!! (Lowell took the time to email me during the day and tell me she LOVED it!) PS- we checked, it's gluten free!!  I felt inspired by Kaysie to put before and after cooking photos!

Here they are:
 potatoes and chicken pre-cooking - - they both were marinated for a bit...
 Ada enjoying some great granola!
 Yep! It's that good! :)

Lowell made me take this last pic b/c the other didn't look as appetizing w/o the salad! LOL

The salad was composed of: ice burg lettuce (i know!), green bell pepper, tomato, carrot, green onion and celery!  We used the last of Lowell's salad dressing.  The potatoes were quite good.  I mixed my own Jerk rub (i didn't have allspice and read that if I used a combo of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg that would I did).  I truly liked it! It left a nice heat in your mouth with the cayenne pepper.

Unfortunately Lowell wasn't a fan as he does not like cloves or thyme...he has such a sensitive palate!  So sometime soon, one of you needs to come over so I can cook this again! :)  The potatoes were also yummy - - garlic salt, butter, parmesan cheese and lemon juice!  The best part was they all cooked in the oven at the same time for the same duration! Love that!  All in all, a good day! Here's to health! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sally! Love the morning pics of Ada! I can tell she is going to be a morning person like her momma and auntie! Thats great that you got a bike ride in after work! I bet it was a blast and a great workout. As far as Lowell's critique of the pics not looking quite as good without the salad, I try and use smaller plates if I don't have food to fill it because then it doesn't look as sad when 1/2 the plate is empty. PS... I will eat your jerk chicken with cloves and thyme ANYTIME... like in 2 months? :)
