Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7: 1/7/11

I made it through a week!! Feeling great about the smoothie thing and my weight is remaining right around (and a little under) 130 lbs!  We also had salad every night this week! I have purchased my next set of greens and I have added kale.  Tomorrow I am going to portion and freeze the greens in preparation for the next week! I love getting ahead!

Ada, today, drank almost nothing but smoothie! I made a little extra for her and Lowell said that's all she wanted! She finally took a little milk when I came home.  She is also a huge fan of the granola! She threw a fit twice today when I wouldn't give her anymore.  It's homemade but it does have honey and brown sugar and she gets enough of that (sugar) with all the fruit she eats! (she's a huge fan of raspberries and blackberries)  (PS- i checked on the honey - - it's okay after 12 mo) I am creating a wonderfully healthy child!! So excited!

Tonight for dinner I cooked a fryer chicken.  I found a glaze from Gordon Ramsay (my fav) and also made salad (with my italian dressing) and garlic-parmesan red potato wedges! Lowell said it was restaurant quality!  Of course he did put ketchup on his potatoes....don't think Gordon would approve! :p

 preparing the meal!
 my starting line-up! (these plus lemon juice made up the glaze)
 seasoned with sea salt (from the himalayas) and black pepper and cooked the 1st 20 min...
 glazed and cooked to perfection!
 ready to be carved! - - i seriously need an electric carver!
my plate! yum!  - - salad was already at the table!

All in all a satisfying week and I am really proud that I kept up with the smoothie thing, healthy dinners and maintaining my weight -- all the while eating school lunch every day! (plus the bike rides) Thanks for all of you who are encouraging (and joining) me in this!! I am truly enjoying it! Here's to health! Cheers! 

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