Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Days 8 & 9: 1/10-1/11/11

Well Monday was quite busy as I tutor until 4:30 and then have BSF.  So, no bike ride! :( But I did end up making a pretty good dinner with the sausage I had sealed up!  I had totally forgotten it was spicy! :p  I cooked the sausage and cut it up into some wild rice.  We ate that with salads.  The salads had carrot curls, green pepper, tomatoes and mine had some shredded cheddar cheese.  I made a dill dressing from the blend tec book that was amazing!

Tuesday was Day 2 for smoothies this week! Ada is certainly loving them! She used to be the 'queen of milk' but now I think she is the 'queen of smoothies!'  SHe loves them!  Lowell made some amazing granola last night! (Kaysie's recipe!) He has been mixing it with yogurt for himself and Ada! Tonight's evening consisted of a bike ride (yay! w/the dog!) and a healthy dinner.  (but not completely on purpose!) I realized halfway into my planning I didn't have any milk, so we just had a repeat of last night's salads w/ dill dressing and some seasoned chicken breasts. Ada enjoyed some salad and lots of chicken!

It seems that now with tutoring I am much more busy. There may not be posts every day and I keep forgetting to take pictures when I am cooking!!

  I have decided to split my bountiful basket with a friend at work who has also joined me on the smoothie bandwagon! :) A second excitement is that I was able to give my old blender to another friend at work who is ALSO starting green smoothies!! :) So exciting!!

I HAVE to say  HUGE THANK YOU!!! to my mother-in-law Tammy!! She was the one who basically started all this a couple years ago when she downloaded this book!  She went on to get us all Blend Tecs and the rest, as they say, is history!  I have done my best to pass on this valuable information she has given me!! THANKS TAMMY!!

I want to say another BIG THANKS!! to my own mother who, my entire life, worked to keep us kids healthy! I owe the fact that I am not overweight...and never was...to her!!  She has really encouraged me through this walk I call my life!! LOVE YOU MOM!!

I feel SO blessed to have such amazing women in my life who have been such a help and encouragement to me.  I hope that I can pass this on to my own daughter!! Alright enough with the tears! :p  One photo for today:

One happy family!! Here's to Health! Cheers!


  1. new follower, look forward to reading more.. check out my blog, I do giveaways

  2. We need some more posts girlfriend! What Have you been eating this past week! I must know!
