Sunday, January 9, 2011

weekend: 1/8-1/9

This was the weekend of preparation!  I have portion greens and meat to be ready for the week.  This week  I bought my greens at Fry's but I am planning on getting my greens from Bountiful Baskets and Sprouts in the future.  Here are some photos of my greens:
 washed and ready to go...
 fresh spinach!
 in order from bottom to top: romaine, kale, red leaf lettuce collards!
bagged and ready for the freezer!

I spent the weekend cleaning out things around the house.  I have been throwing away things I haven't used in a year and donating clothes I haven't worn in a year.  It has felt very freeing to make space in our little area.  Upon cleaning out the closet near the kitchen, I remembered my mother-in-law, Tammy, had given me her classic food saver...Saturday night we had dinner and she gave me some bags for it.  We bought some sausage and chicken for the week and I vacuum-sealed it all for the freezer in portions for our little family! Here are some photos:

 chicken ready to be portioned!
 chicken sealed!
 the classic sealer!
sausage sealed!

Another victory I had this weekend was figuring out that I could bring Maggie, our dog, on the bike rides.  I had been wanting to try it, so Friday night I decided to put my problem-solving skills to work! Here are the results:

 Here is in front of our house...Maggie in the back and Ada in the front of the carriage...lots of reflecting material for safety!!
A close-up of Maggie in the back....I think she really enjoyed it!

All in all a productive weekend! Excited to see what this week will bring.  Here's to Health! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sally, sorry I haven't been commenting lately. We forgot to renew our internet for a month so it took a few days. LOVE ALL the pictures today! I want some greens SOOO BAD you have no idea! and the picture of Maggie is hilarious! love it! Miss you lots!
